What Kind of Liposuction Should I Get?

Which Liposuction is Best?

Sometimes diet and exercise are not enough to eliminate the annoying fat deposits on the abdomen, love handles, bra fat, and other body areas. Fortunately, we can use liposuction as a tool to remove stubborn fat deposits and give your body a slimmer appearance.

The liposuction process is really quite simple; fat which is adherent to the inner tissues needs to be loosened and then it is suctioned from the body.  The difference in all of the liposuction modalities is what kind of energy is used to loosen the fat:  mechanical, water pressure, vibration, laser, or ultrasound. 

The decision can feel daunting. Every manufacturer maintains that their machine is the best, and truthfully, most surgeons will try to steer you in the direction of the machine they own. 

Here, you will find an honest overview of your options.

Tumescent Liposuction

This original, and most common form is called tumescent liposuction. First, the surgeon injects lidocaine and epinephrine into the target area to make the fat swell, making it easier to remove. Lidocaine is an anesthetic, and epinephrine constricts blood vessels, so these work together to reduce pain and bleeding.

After the injections, the fat swells, and a cannula is inserted and by mechanical means, the fat and liquid is removed. Most swelling and pain from this type of liposuction has resolved in several weeks and you will see your final results in several months.

Tumescent liposuction works well on most parts of the body and it can remove a lot of fat. The fat is available for reinjection as a fat transfer (a Brazilian Butt Lift).

Water Assisted Liposuction

This is similar to tumescent liposuction but is often ideal for removing a lot of fat. It features a stream of water similar to placing your thumb over the end of a garden hose which breaks up the fat.

The main benefit of this procedure is it removes a lot of fat faster with less pain so the procedure can be done awake, there is a shorter healing time, and the removed fat is ideal for reinjection as a fat transfer to the buttocks or breast.

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) & Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL)

UAL uses ultrasonic waves to dissolve fat cells while LAL uses a laser.  Recovery from this procedure is similar to tumescent lipo, but patients risk burns and blistering from time to time.

On the downside, these procedures may lead to numbness and blood clots in the treatment area. But many people choose UAL and LAL because they want to remove a lot of fibrous fat.

The laser and cannula are easy to control, so the surgeon can precisely sculpt the abdominal muscles if you want.  On the downside, recovery is longer, and you may need a few weeks of prescription painkillers to manage discomfort.


SmartLipo also uses lasers but features different frequencies. It works well to liquefy fat where you want sculpting, such as the abs. It can also tighten skin and tissue, which stimulates collagen production.

Because it also liquefies fat, a lot of fat can be taken out in one session, and you can have sculpting and tighter skin.

The primary disadvantage is the risk of burns and blistering, but a highly skilled surgeon can usually avoid this issue.

Which Liposuction Is Best For You?

At Bala Better Health, we use the water assisted liposuction because:

  • It allows us to remove as much fat as necessary
  • The patient remains comfortable and awake throughout the procedure, 
  • There is a very short recovery time, 
  • The collected fat is perfect for fat-transfer.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for abdominal wall etching for the 6-pack look, the LAL or SmartLipo is what you are looking for.

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