Is a Vampire Breast Lift Right For Me?

Read This Before Getting a Vampire Breast Life

With a world full of ever changing technology, it should come as no surprise that the amount of non-invasive cosmetic procedures is at an all time high. Breast procedures are no exception.

The Vampire breast lift is a new technology that uses tiny Aptos threads to physically move the skin around the breasts in an upward motion. It stimulates collagen production, builds new blood vessels, and reduces the size of the pores of the skin. Fibroblasts are stimulated, thus improving the volume and texture of the skin. With tiny incisions, the threads are passed through and anchored in the perfect places. Because the incisions are so tiny, there is no need for anything stronger than a local anesthetic. With no scarring and results that last up to 2 years, this is a really great option for a lot of women. 

As we age, the shape of our breasts change. Sagging breasts can also be caused by breastfeeding or just the heaviness that is a by-product of having large breasts. Do you feel like a perkier and more rounded breast shape would give you back some confidence? A VBL, or Vampire Breast Lift, gives the appearance of a lift and helps increase circulation of the blood. It also helps reduce the noticeability of wrinkles and scars.

Following the procedure, you will have to wear surgical adhesive for 48-72 hours and then a good protective sports bra for the next 2 weeks. Some bruising and tenderness are common but it is normally a quick and easy recovery. You should avoid lifting heavy objects and exercising for the 2 weeks post-operative period, but should be able to get back to your normal work and life. 

Schedule a consultation with Bala Better Health to see if the VBL is right for you.

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