Facial Fat Transfer: Genuine Rejuvenation

Understanding Facial Fat Transfer

Genuine Facial Rejuvenation
with Fat Transfer

A large part of the aging process is the gradual loss of subcutaneous fat and collagen.  As aesthetic providers, our task is to return your skin to that youthful appearance. Facial fat transfer aims to do exactly that.  A site of excess fat is identified, usually below the chin, the abdomen, or flanks, and that fat is removed, processed and then reinjected to improve facial volume and minimize wrinkles.  Unlike most cosmetic injectables, fat injections use the patient’s own fat for natural-looking results that last.

Facial fat grafting can reduce signs of aging by treating a variety of concerns, such as:

  • Deep tear troughs
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Loss of volume in the lips, cheeks, and/or temples
  • A hollowed appearance around the eyes
  • “Marionette” lines

At Bala Better Health, Dr. Wilkes and the clinical team work with each of his patients to create a customized treatment plan designed to address their specific concerns and help them achieve their facial rejuvenation goals.

What Is A Facial Fat Transfer?

To perform facial fat grafting, the fat to be used in the procedure must first be removed from a donor site. This can be any area of the body with excess fat, but typical areas include flanks, thighs, or abdomen. The unwanted fat is removed via liposuction, then filtered and cleansed. Once the fat has been properly prepared, it is carefully injected into the areas of concern.

At Bala Better Health, our liposuction procedures are done using a local anesthesia  which adds to their safety and  allows you to return home to begin the healing process immediately.

Is Facial Fat Transfer Safe?

While all medical procedures have inherent risks, Dr. Wilkes is a board certified physician who minimizes these risks.  You remain awake throughout the procedure which is done under rigorous sterile conditions.

Nonetheless, you need to be aware that Facial fat transfer has been associated with hematoma (a bruise-like collection of blood under the skin), infection, or asymmetrical results. 

What Is Recovery Like After Facial Fat Transfer?

Patients may experience some mild discomfort after a facial fat transfer, but this can be managed well with prescribed medication. To help reduce swelling, Dr. Wilkes recommends that patients keep their head elevated for the first several days after the procedure. Additionally, patients might notice some numbness around the injection sites, but sensation should improve over the following weeks. 

How Long Does Fat Transfer Last?

As swelling fades, the final results of facial fat transfer become more apparent, and are typically fully realized after a few weeks. Outcomes often continue to improve over time, as new fat cells can grow within the treated area. A small percentage of fat cells will naturally be reabsorbed into the body, but the fat that remains is permanent. Depending on your aesthetic goals, additional treatments may be recommended.

How Much Does Facial Fat Transfer Cost?

A conservative facial fat transfer performed is approximately $3,500, but this price can vary, depending on each patient’s individual needs and expectations.

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