Everything You Want to Know About a Lip Flip

Important Information for Those Interested in Lip Flips

Lip flips, or lip injections, are becoming incredibly popular. It is a procedure in which a person receives Botox injections in the upper lip, making them appear fuller.  It also plumps up fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth. 

A woman's lips getting wet while standing in the shower

Many people wonder if it will look unnatural on them. The fact remains that it will change the shape of your upper lip. It will be plumper and more pronounced. The great thing about Botox is that it doesn’t last forever. Lip injections typically start to wear off between 3 and 4 months. It’s perfect for someone who might want to experiment but doesn’t want something super permanent. 

You are also probably wondering how much money you’ll need to save. That really depends on your doctor and their prices of Botox per unit. Typical lip flips use very little amounts of fillers. With a range of anywhere between $50 and-500, it’s hard to say unless you schedule a consultation. At www.bbhmedspa.com, you can receive $100 off today! Now is the time to try it!

Although your new lips will feel beautiful and incredibly kissable, you will have to wait 3-4 days before puckering up. Just as with any Botox procedures, avoid any pressure in the area for the first few days. Be cautious with eating, drinking, or putting on makeup. 

Now, besides avoiding pressure on your new sexy lips, here are some tips to help keep your pout perfect;

  • Avoid strenuous activities such as exercising that will produce a lot of sweat.
  • Stay out of the sun. UV rays can cause swelling, which increases healing time.
  • Don’t touch your lips! This will most definitely be the hardest one, but it’s very important.

If you experience swelling or tenderness, use a cool washcloth but don’t press on the lips.

You should feel confident enough to schedule a consult now. With very little buy in and low stakes, this might just be the perfect procedure for you! Go to www.bbhmedspa.com to schedule today!

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